Excerpt 2 - First Mention of Nodoroc and the Wog:
From “The Early History of Jackson County, Georgia”, the writings of the Late Gustavus James Nash Wilson, embracing some of the Early History of Jackson County, Edited and Published by William Ellis White, 1914
“Hitherto the mass of the natives had been friendly with the white settlers generally; but in the spring of 1794 it was noticed that parties of red men passed up and down the Okoloco trail more frequently that at any previous time. The maxim that “When an Indian wants to fool you he goes both ways,”gave the whites a hint that mischief was brewing. Talitchlechee himself passed several times, and on one occasion stopped and asked some questions. Abe Trent happened to be present, and being familiar with the old warrior's language, they engaged in the following conversation:
“Bows and arrows – what sort shoot pale-faces?”
“We have none – don't want any,” answered Abe, pointing to a crow that was sitting on a tall tree some distance away. “See that crow fall,” he continued, and with the crack of his rifle the bird fell to the ground. “That,” still continued Abe, “shows the sort of arrows we shoot.”
The old man was evidently puzzled, and after a long pause asked, as if in doubt of the propriety of his questions:
“Pale-faces come how many more?”
“Don't know – can not count them.”
“Pale-faces here now how many?”
“So many that I can not count them either – so many that we have to leave most of them in a big hole and take them out as we need them.”
The old leader looked surprised as well as a little incredulous; but after apparently considering the matter, he shook his head violently, and said as if to himself: “Nodoroc! Nodoroc!” and passed on hurriedly.
If Abe Trent had puzzled the wily old chief, he was in turn puzzled himself. Though fluent in the use of Greek words, he did not know the meaning of Nodoroc. Somehow the short, jerky way the Indian pronounced the word gave it an ominous sound, and he resolved. To apply ti Umausauga, the best authority he could think of, for an explanation.
A short time after the chief's visit the country was thrown into confusion by the always dreaded visit of the “Wog.” Though his appearance seemed to be familiar to some of the natives in the surrounding country, none of the white people had ever seen him.
It was a few hours in the night. The half moon hung low, and barely gave light enough to reveal the outlines of an object; just enough to make shadows that swayed back and forth in the passing breeze seem ghostly. As usual there sentinels in the timbered circle; for now that the friendship of the natives was doubted, the white people, thought few in number, managed to know almost everything that was carried on in the country. Looking to the four points of the compass stood the Draper family and Abe Trent, all heavily armed, Helen's position facing to the east. At her feet, curled up nearly into a ball, was Lion, a huge Egyptian dog as fierce and almost as powerful as a mad tiger. Suddenly the dog unrolled himself. “TOO HOO” broke the reigning silence. It was Helen's signal to the other sentinels that something unusual was on hand. Lion's growl always meant something.
The girl stood looking and listening. Lion was at her side, bristles erect and occasionally giving a low growl; lower than before. Like an apparition emerging from the ground Abe Trent appeared on the other side. She realized that she stood between two powerful friends. Just then her father and mother came near, and Mrs. Draper, pointing across the field whispered “LOOK.” Lion increased his growls, and all plainly saw a wolf enter the field for a short distance, look around, and then hastily retreat. Another and another did the same way until a dozen or more appeared and looked across the field as if in doubt as to what they should do. While thus looking, they suddenly scampered away and disappeared in the woods.
While wondering at the unusual actions of the wolves, a dark object that appeared to be carrying a white flag, emerged from the woods and stopped at the outer rim of the field. It was then seen that the white flag was waved from side to side like one motioning to another to get out of the way. This continued for several minutes when at last the dark object moved forward still flourishing its white banner. When little more than half across the field a whizzing sound was heard as the flag went back and forth like a boy cracking his hickory bark whip. Even Lion became uneasy, and turned his growls into low whines. This was significant to all. While seeing that their guns were in order Mr. Draper hurriedly whispered –
“The good Lord! It's that infernal Wog!” As bad as Lion had seemed to be scared, his courage returned and it required all of the family's efforts to keep him from meeting the still advancing monster. Mr. Draper's rifle carried an ounce ball, and though he had heard that it was best to let the creature alone, and that its hide was impervious to a bullet, he felt sure in the light of past experience, that he could, to use his own words, “send a leaden message clean through any part of its body, or plug one of its fiery eyes out either.” He was, however, persuaded to wait for further developments, and the party retired to the house, barred the doors, and stood by their guns, axes, and knives, awaiting the gage of battle, if need be.
The near approach of the animal was plainly indicated by the whiz of his tail, and when he reached the door he made a noise similar to the long-continued hissing of a goose. Having done this several times, he began his serenade around the house and finding a small opening between the logs, he poked his forked tongue through it as if trying to impale someone between its slimy prongs. Lion saw this and rushed to grap the tongue, but Mr. Draper succeeded in stopping him just in the nick of time. Having thus twice gone around the house, he gave a short shout similar to one made by a wild hog in the woods, and going west, slowly disappeared. Awhile after the animal left, a light tap was heard at the door. It was Mera who said that her father had seen the Wog going away, and that she had come to see if her friends were safe, and to offer such assistance as she might be able to give. When asked why she was not afraid to be out at such a time, the noble girl modestly replied that she could outrun anything that carried along one side at a time. Though evidently willing to return alone, Abe Trent would not allow her to do so, and shouldering his rifle he accompanied her home “with as much pleasure,” he said, “as I ever felt in my life.”
It appeared that the Draper family was the only one visited by the monster at Snodon, and that after leaving there he was not heard of until he reached Haitauthuga, a small settlement of wigwams that stood on the plain now covered by the fine oak grove east of the residence of Rev. H. N. Rainey at Mulberry. There lived Siloquot, a head man among the Creeks, and a sort of politician. He was one of the signers of the treaty made at Shoulderbone in 1786, and a man of some consequence. When the unscrupulous Wog reached his wigwam there were two Lower Creek dignitaries present, perhaps on official business, and as he began to blow and his like a monster goose, they ran to the woods as only scared Indians can run, leaving their host to his fate. But Siloquot found safety in the top of a tall tree where the beast, having hoofs instead of claws, could not follow him.”